Mission Organizations
Baptist International Missions Inc. http://www.bimi.org/
Baptist Mid Missions https://www.bmm.org/
Baptist World Missions http://www.baptistworldmission.org/
Cedine Ministries https://cedine.org/
Child Evangelism Fellowship http://www.cefonline.com/
Daystar Baptist Missions http://www.dbmi.org/
Friends of Israel https://www.foi.org/
Shepherd’s Ministries http://www.shepherdsministries.org/
Word of Life http://www.wol.org/
Study Tools
Answers In Genesis https://answersingenesis.org/
e-Sword http://www.e-sword.net/ (free Bible and study tools to download; many additional resources are available for free along with others you can purchase at a substantially reduced price)
Precept Austin http://www.preceptaustin.org/ (Great study tool with tons of free helps)